
For Spa Lovers - Your ultimate wellness platform to rebalance. Self care is everything.

Become a Spa Lover member of Nuwa.Earth

Become updated with new services and updates from Spas in your area and enjoy exclusive offerings, enjoy our insightful newsletters. Meet other Spa Lovers and make friends!

Become a Featured Sponsor

Become a Nuwa.Earth featured sponsor, hosting sparties or Nature conservancy events, connect with the right audience.

Become a Featured Spa

Enjoy the ultimate advertising and marketing platform to reach out to loyal spa lovers who benefit from your services and packages.

($70 per annum)

Nuwa.Earth Customer Membership

1, 10% off select spas in the US Tri State area.
2, Discounts across all featured product lines our spas recommend (...bath salts, crystals, candles, tea, herbs, incense etc...)
3, Free attendance of Nuwa.Earth spa parties and nature conservancy events, extra person 50% off (usually $15 instead of $30)
4, Yearly spa gift basket (beautiful Christmas spa gift basket)

Contact Nuwa.Earth

(Free to join, must provide 10% discounts to our members)

Nuwa.Earth Featured Spa Location or Spa Product

1, Free advertorial placement. And included in our EDM campaigns.
2, Customer membership will ensure business- must uphold a 10% discount for any Nuwa.Earth members rendering services who are compliant with your store policy.
3, Business opportunities - marketing partnerships between other spas and product lines.
4, Spa party event management free services.

Contact Nuwa.Earth

Qualify to become a Nuwa.Earth Sponsor at $1000 +

Nuwa.Earth Sponsor

Option 1 - Sparties Host a party and we'll invite all the spa lover guests and coordinate logistics with our partner spas- Show consumers how much you care about their body, mind, wellbeing... (we will help organize event materials and help craft and support the rundown, further details below)

Option 2- Nature Conservancy events -Host a party and we'll invite all the spa lovers and coordinate logistics with our partner spas - Take a stand for eco-sustainability and preserving and integrating with natural environments...(we will help organize event materials and help craft and support the rundown further details below)

1, We will prop up the appropriate signage provided so that ~40 guests of 50 per event night will become aware of your organization and cause.
2, A key speaker from your organization may attend and give a speech.
3, Ushers will distribute among guests gift bags with your merchandise or souvenirs if provided.
4, Music, horderves, games, ambience and logistics will be creatively coordinated by our event managers.

Contact Nuwa.Earth

Contact Nuwa.Earth Team